Elin Uppström

Universitetslektor vid Institutionen för informatik och media

0498-10 84 18, 018-471 84 18
070-167 99 15
Campus Gotland
Cramérgatan 3
621 57 Visby
Campus Gotland
Cramérgatan 3
621 57 Visby

Kort presentation

Undervisar på Campus Gotland inom data science, maskininlärning och innovation och programmering. Doktorsexamen inom data och systemvetenskap från Stockholms Universitet och civilingenjörsexamen inom datateknik från KTH. Forskningsmässigt fokus på digitalisering inom offentlig sektor, värdeskapande och design. Har också arbetat som konsult, både inom it och management. Deltagit i flertalet projekt inom digitaliering, IoT och AI, främst inom offentlig sektor.


  • artifical intelligence
  • data science
  • design science
  • e-government
  • information systems
  • internet of things
  • machine learning
  • software engineering


Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.

Senior Lecturer at Uppsala University. Ph.D. from Stockholm University (2017). Civil engineer in Computer Science from Royal Institute of Technology (2006). 20 peer-reviewed publications (Google Scholar h-index: 9). 10 years teaching experience. 8+ years of experience as a consultant, project leader and software developer. Teaches data science, machine learning, research methods and innovation. Practical and research experience from 10+ projects, mainly digitalization, IoT and AI within the public sector in Sweden.

Academic Experience

Jan 2019 - Senior Lecturer, Department of Informatics and Media, Uppsala University, Campus Gotland

Jan 2012 – June 2017: PhD student, Stockholm University , Sweden.

Sept 2010 - Jan 2012: Educational and research Assistant

2013-2015 PhD Board member IRIS ((Information systems research seminar in Scandinavia)

Reviewer and editorial work

2020 Scandinavian Journal of Information System, Special Issue, Smart Cities, Regions and Societies – a Scandinavian perspective and beyond?

Assistant editor ECIS2018

Technical Program Committee International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG’18 &19)

Reviewer for AMCIS, ECIS, ICIS, HICSS etc.

Research Projects (participant)

2019 – 2020: Effective Regional Digital Agenda (ERDA). Financially supported by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth.

2017 Ground Truth 2.0. Citizen Observatories for a sustainable environment, Financially supported by the EU Horizon2020

2012-2013 Munizapp, Citizen Sourcing mobile app for Swedish municipalities, Financially supported by Vinnova and NordForsk

2010-2011 Open Social e-services , Automatic decision making services for municipal social services, Financially supported by Vinnova

2010-2011 Service Oriented Business Models for ERP, Financially supported by Vinnova

External projects and expert assignments

From 2020 and forward I have been given expert sessions within the program AI for public leaders, in collaboration with Governo. Examples include Swedish Tax Agency, Several municipals, Statistics Sweden etc.

2022 Data communication in the. public sphere, (project together with Governo)

2020 RefArk - Design of principles and requirements for IoT-systems for public sector in Sweden. For Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (public link in English: https://inera.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AR/pages/2835054927/Reference+architecture+IoT)

2020 Evaluation of Cultural Heritage Incubator for The Swedish National Heritage Board

2019 Digitalization and AI for correct payments from the welfare system together with Government Offices of Sweden, The commission for correct payments from the welfare system (in collaboration with Governo)

2018 Analysis of national and international uses of AI for correct payments for the Government Offices of Sweden, The commission for correct payments from the welfare system (in collaboration with Governo)

2018 Technical project leader for smart locks project, a project within the Stockholm program for a smart and connected city (as consultant)

2015 Evaluation of collaborative work with IT within national heritage protection and forest felling for the 22 County administrative boards in Sweden.

Teaching Experience (selection)

Research in Information Systems and Informatics (PhD), 7.5 ECTS, Uppsala University (2019, 2020)

Data Analytics (BSc), 7.5 ECTS, Uppsala University, (2019,2020)

Seminars and Thesis Work (BSc), 7.5 ECTS, Uppsala University (2019–2020)

Innovation and organizational change (BSc), 7.5 ECTS, Uppsala University (2020)

ERP systems and service oriented architectures (BSc), 7.5 ECTS, Stockholm University (2010-2017)

ERP systems konfiguration, adaptation and development (BSc), 7.5 ECTS, Stockholm University (2010-2017)

Project-work with ERP- systems (BSc), 7.5 ECTS, Stockholm University (2010-2017)

Seminars and Thesis Work (BSc, MSc), 7.5 ECTS, Stockholm University (2010-2017)

Global Delivery Models I, (MSc), 7.5 ECTS, Stockholm University (2012-2015)

Global Delivery Models II, (MSc), 7.5 ECTS, Stockholm University (2012-2015


För att se mina publikationer: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=rbdWrzwAAAAJ&hl=sv


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Elin Uppström

