Stephan Pomp

Short presentation

Professor in applied nuclear physics and responsible for the research program in applied nuclear physics.

Leader of the nuclear reactions research group.

Currently representing physics in the docentship committee Disciplinary Domain of Science and Technology.


  • experimental nuclear physics
  • light-ion production
  • neutron facilities
  • neutron-induced reactions
  • nuclear fission


Diploma in physics from Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany in 1994.

PhD in nuclear and particle physics in 1999 from Uppsala University. The thesis topic was in the field of hyperon production via anti-protons and for this I was part of the PS185 collaboration and did experiments at the LEAR ring of CERN, Switzerland.

In 2006 I became Docent with a lecture titled "Att vara neutral - en neutrons kallelse".

I am professor in applied nuclear physics since 2012.


My main interest is to study nuclear fission. The process is known since more than 80 years but it is, due to its complexity, still far from understood. Fission has been called the "complete nuclear physics lab" and this is one reason why fission is so interesting to study. Furthermore, fission has links to both applications (e.g., energy and medical isotope production) and fundamental research (e.g., hunt for new isotopes and the understanding of cosmic nucleosynthesis).

I am also interested in various types of neutron-induced reactions, e.g., light-ion production. Also here there is a clear link between basic nuclear physics research (reaction dynamics) and a range of applications (nuclear medicine, radiation therapy, radiation effects on electronics and material).

My research is experimental and I use various facilities in Europe for the experiments. Currently my research group and I are involved in several international collaborations. We run or plan experiments at IGISOL/JYFLTRAP in Jyäskylä, Finland, at the Joint research Centre of the European Commission in Geel, Belgium, at NFS@GANIL in Caen, France, at n_TOF@CERN, Geneva, Switzerland and at the FRS of GSI in Darmstadt, Germany.

One of the application related aims of this research is the provision of high-quality evaluated nuclear data libraries. Among the challenges is proper handling of uncertainties. My group and I are therefore also working on uncertainty quantification and uncertainty propagation methods with partners at, e.g., IAEA in Vienna, Austria and PSI in Villingen, Switzerland.


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Stephan Pomp

