Lars Magnusson

Professor i ekonomisk historia, ssk social- och arbetslivshistoria vid Ekonomisk-historiska institutionen

070-517 03 10
Kyrkogårdsgatan 10
Box 513
751 20 UPPSALA
Akademiska meriter:
FD, docent


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Present position

Professor in Economic history, Prefect of the Department of Economic History, Uppsala University, Dean of Faculty of the Social Sciences, Uppsala University, Chairman of Swedish Collegium for Advanced Studies (SCAS), Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Honorary doctoral degree at Kyoto Sanyo University

Research Interests

Three main fields:

History of economic thought in Sweden and Europe, mainly 18th and 19th century

Regulation and Political Economy in a historical perspective

Swedish Model of labour market relations in a comparative perspective (1930-2005)

Recent Research Projects

SALTSA: head of SALTSA project, (collaborative project on working life in an European perspective with LO, TCO, SACO)

Ageing Society. A Swedish-Japan Collaboration Project

Selected Publications

Twentieth-Century Economic History (ed Lars Magnusson), vol I-IV. Critical Concepts in Economics. Abingdon: Routledge 2010.

Nation, State and the Industrial Revolution. Routledge: Abingdon 2009.

The Evolution of Path dependency. (Lars Magnusson and Jan Ottossson eds). Edward Elgar: Cheltenham 2009.

Mercantilist Theory and Practice: The History of English Mercantilism, vol.1-IV. (Ed Lars Magnusson). Picekring & Chatto: London 2008.

Arbete pågår. (ed Anders Houltz et al). Uppsala: Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis: Studies in Economic History, 86. 2008.

The Nordic Approach to Growth and Welfare. ( ed Henning Jörgensen, Jon Erik Dölvik and Lars Magnusson. Brussels:ETUI 2008.

Reshaping Welfare States and Activation Regimes in Europe (Amparao Serrano Pascual and Lars Magnusson,eds.) PIE Peter Lang: Brussels 2007.

European Solidarities. Tensions and contenions of a Concept (Lars Magnusson
and Bo Stråth,eds). PIE Peter Lang:Brussels 2007.

Vad är marknaden? SNS förlag: Stockholm 2006.

Håller den svenska modellen? Arbete och välfärd i en globaliserad värld. Norstedts Akademiska förlag. Stockholm 2006.

Den Synliga Handen. SNS förlag. Stockholm 2005.

A European Social Citizenship? PIE Lang. Brussels 2004. (Eds. Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth).

Tradition of Free Trade. Routledge. London and New York 2004.

Teorier om imperialism och globalisering. Prisma. Stockholm 2002.

The State, Regulation and the Economy. A Historical Perspective. Edward Elgar. Cheltenham 2001.

From the Werner Plan to EMU. PIE Lang. Brussels 2001. (Eds. Lars Magnusson and Bo Stråth).

Äran, korruptionen och den borgerliga ordningen. Atlantis. Stockholm 2001.

An Economic History of Sweden. Routledge. London and New York 2000.

LO: Det andra halvseklet. Atlas. Stockholm 1998.

The Rise of the Social Sciences and the Formation of Modernity. Kluwer. Boston etc 1998. (Eds. John Heilbron, Lars Magnusson and Björn Wittrock).

Evolutionary Economics and Path Dependence. Edward Elgar. Aldershot 1997. (Eds. Lars Magnusson and Jan Ottosson).

Sveriges ekonomiska historia. Tidens förlag. Stockholm 1996 (2nd ed. 1999).

The Contest for Control: Metal Industries in Sheffield, Solingen, Remscheid and Eskilstuna during Industrialisation. Bergs Publishers. Oxford 1994.

Mercantilism: the Shaping of an Economic Language. Routledge. London 1994.

Evolutionary and Neo-Schumpeterian Approaches to Economics. Kluwer. Boston 1993. (Ed. L Magnusson).

Mercantilist economics. Kluwer. Boston 1993. (Ed. L Magnusson).

Den bråkiga kulturen. Författarförlaget. Stockholm 1988.

Proto-industrialisation in Scandinavia. Berg Publishers Ltd. Leamington 1987. (With M. Isacson).

Arbetet vid en svensk verkstad: Munktells 1900-1920. Arkiv förlag. Lund 1987.

Vägen till fabrikerna. Industriell tradition och yrkeskunnande i Sverige under 1800-talet. Gidlunds. Stockholm 1983. (With M. Isacson).

Kapitalbildningen i Sverige 1750-1860: Godsen. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Uppsala 1983.

Ty som ingenting angelägnare är än mina bönders conservation: Godsekonomi i östra Mellansverige vid mitten av 1700-talet. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Uppsala 1980.

Chapters in books
"After Lisbon . social Europe at the Crossroads?", ETUI Working papers Brussels 2010:01.

"Merkantilismens teori och praktik: utrikeshandel och manufakturpolitik I sitt idéhistoriska sammanhang." Klas Nyberg (ed), Till Salu. Stockholms textila andel och manufaktur 1722-1846. Stads och kommunhistoriska institutets: studier i stads och kommunhistoria, 36, 2010

"Political Economy in Historical Context: the case of Malthus and Sweden ". The Benefit of Broad Horizons. Festschrift for Björn Wittrock (ed Hans Joas and Barbro Klein. Leiden/Boston: Brill 2010.

"Eli F Heckscher". Ragnar Björk and Alf W Johansson (eds), Svenska historiker från Medeltid till våra dagar. Stockholm: Norstedts 2009.

Jean- Baptiste Bernadotte and his Times. Agrarian Revolution and a New Beginning. Revue D´Histoire Nordique, 6-7, 2009.

European Integration and Nordic Trade Unions. (with Sofia Murhem). Norbert Götz and Heidi Haggrén (eds), Regional Cooperation and International Organizations. London:Routledge 2009.

Industrialismens genombrott. Signum svenska kulturhistoria: Det moderna genombrottet. Stockholm 2008.

Den svenska modellens förutsättningar och begränsningar. Anders Houltz et al (eds), Arbete pågår. Uppsala: Acta Universitstis Upsaliensis: Studies in Economic History, 86. 2008

Is Globalization Widening or Narrowing the Gaps? Kay Glans and Johanna Laurin (eds), Towards an Hourglass Society?. Stockholm: Glasshouse Forum 2008.

Det ekonomiska tänkandet i Sverige – en översikt. Susanna Hedenborg och Mats Morell (red) Sverige – en social och ekonomisk historia. Studentlitteratur: Lund 2006-11-16

Manufakturerna. Signums svenska kulturhistoria: Frihetstiden. Sigma: Lund 2006.

Bruksmiljö och brukskultur. Signums Svenska kulturhistoria: Stormaktstiden, Signum: Lund 2006.

Eli Heckscher and his Mercantilism Today, in Richard Findlay et al. (eds.), Eli Heckscher, International Trade and Economic History. MIT Press. Cambridge 2006.

Det ekonomiska tänkandet i Sverige – en översikt, in Susanna Hedenborg och Mats Morell (red.) Sverige – en social och ekonomisk historia. Studentlitteratur. Lund 2006

Om historiens död och andra sagor, i Anders Björnsson, Martin Kylhammar och Åsa Lindeborg (red.) Ord i rättan tid. En festlig skrift om forskning och politik, makt och medier tillägnad Thorsten Nybom. Carlssons. Stockholm 2005.

En gemensam sysselsättningsstrategi för Europa – problem och framtidsutsikter, in Kerstin Ahlberg (ed.), Tio år med EU. Arbetslivsinstitutet. Stockholm 2005.

A Political Economy for Europe, in Markets and Embeddedness. Essays in Honour of Ulf Olsson. Dept of Economic History. Gothenburg University 2004.

Mercantilism, in Warren J. Samuels, Jeff E. Biddle and John B. Davis (eds.), A Companion to the History of Economic Thought. Blackwell. Oxford 2003.

Workfare. International Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Thomson. London 2002.

En arbetsmarknad i förändring?, in Hållfast arbetsrätt – för ett föränderlig arbetsliv, bilagedel, bilaga I, Ds 2002:56, Regeringskansliet, Näringsdepartementet. Stockholm 2002. (With Jan Ottosson and Karsten Lundequist).

Social thoughts on Man in Swedish economic discourse during the 18th century, in Arne Jarrick (ed.), Only Human. Studies in the history of conceptions of Man. Almqvist&Wiksell. Stockholm 2000.

Ett arbetsliv i förändring – Sverige 1950-2000, in SOU 1999:16 "Individen och arbetslivet". Stockholm 1999.

The reception of a political economy of free trade: the case of Sweden, in A. Marrison (ed.), Free Trade and its Reception 1815-1960. Routledge. London & New York 1998.

Physiocracy in Sweden, in J. Rosicka (ed.), Physiocracy yesterday and today. Cracow Academy of Economics. Cracow 1996.

Transaction costs and institutional change, in J Groenewegen (ed.), Transaction Cost Economics and Beyond. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Boston etc 1996 (With J. Ottosson).

Proto-industrialisation in Sweden, in S. C. Ogilvie-M. Cerman (eds.), European proto-industrialization. Cambridge U P. Cambridge 1996.

Il settoro economico: capitalismo mercantile, consumo di lusso, sviluppo della cultura di mercato, in M. Aymard (ed.), Storia d´Europa,vol IV. Giulio Einaudi editore. Torino 1995.

Proto-industrialisierung in Schweden, in M. Cerman-S. C. Ogilvie (eds.), Protoindustrialisierung in Europa. Verlag fur Gesellschaftskritik: Wien 1994.

Heckscher and Mercantililism; intro. to E. F. Heckscher, in Mercantilism I-II. Routledge. London 1994.

Hobson and Imperialism, in J. Pheeby (ed.), J A Hobson. An Appraisal. MacMillan. London&New York 1994.

The Economist as Popularizer. The emergence of Swedish economics 1900-1930, in L. Jonung (ed.), Swedish Economic Thought. Explorations and Advances. Routledge. London 1993.

From Verlag to Factory: the Contest for Efficient Property Rights; in B. Gustafsson (ed.), Power and Economic Institutions. Reinterpretations in Economic History. Edward Elgar. Aldershot 1991.

Markets in Context: Artisans, Putting-out and Social Drinking in Eskilstuna; in M. Berg (ed.), Markets and Manufacture in Early Industrial Europe. Routledge. London 1991.

Gustav Cassel, Popularizer and Enigmatic Walrasian, in B. Sandelin (ed.), Swedish Economic Thought. Routledge. London 1990.

Malthus in Scandinavia; in Turner, M. (ed), Malthus and his Times. Macmillan: London & New York 1986.

Articles in Journals
The Swedish Model in Historical Context. Kobe University Economic review, 52 (2006)

The Peculiarities of Sweden: Industry and Society 1850-2000. Kansai daigaku selyoushironsou: Western History Essays. Kansai University, vol X (sep 2007)

En nedmonterad stat? – exemplet Sverige. Aktuellt om historia: organ för Historielärarnas förening, 2006.

Kreativa jobb – nyckeln till tillväxt inom tjänstesektorn. ITPS aktuelllt, nr 2, 2006.

Between macro and micro – what economic history can learn from modern economics. Scandinavian Economic History Review, vol. 51: 2 (2003).

State intervention and the role of history-state and private actors in Swedish network industries, (Lars Magnusson and Jan Ottosson) Review of Political Economy, vol. 12:2, pp. 191-205 (2000).

Physiocracy in Sweden 1760-1780. Economies et Sociétés, serie Oeconomia, Histoire de la Pensée économique. P.E no. 22-23, 1-2 (1995).

Les institutions d'une économie de marché: le cas de la Suède. Revue du Nord, tome LXXVI no 307. (1994).

Economics and the Public Interest: the Emergence of Economics as an Academic Subject during the 18th Century. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 94 (1992).

La percée de l'industrialisation en Suéde. Nouvelles orientations du débat et de la recherche. Cahiers du Centre de Recherches Historiques, 1991:3

History and Social Theory Today. Storia della storiographia, no 18 (1990)

Social History as Economic History in Sweden. Some remarks. Scandinavian Economic History Review, vol XXXVIII:2, 1990.

Proto-industrialisation, culture et taverns en Suede,1800-1850. Annales E S C 1989.

Corruption and Civic Order - Natural Law and Economic Discourse in Sweden during the Age of Freedom. Scandinavian Economic History Review, vol. XXXVII:2 (1989).

Trinksitten und Handwerkskultur im Vorindustriellen Eskilstunas/Schweden des 19 Jahrhunderts. Drogalkohol 10/1986

Mercantilism and Reform-mercantilismn: The Rise of Economic Discourse in Sweden during the 18th Century. History of Political Economy, vol. 19:3 (1987).

Drinking and the Verlag System 1820-1850: The Significance of Taverns and Drink in Eskilstuna before Industrialisation. Scandinavian Economic History Review, vol. XXXIV:1 (1986).

Proto-industrialisation in Sweden: Smithcraft in Eskilstuna and Southern Dalecarlia. Scandinavian Economic History Review, vol. XXX:1 (1982). (with M Isacson)

Eli Heckscher, mercantilism and the Favourable Balance of Trade. Scandinavian Economic History Review, vol. XXVI:2 (1978).

Economic Thought and Group Interests. Adam Smith, Christopher Polhem, Lars Salvius and Classical Political Economy. Scandinavian Journal of History 1977:2.


1992: Professor and chair in Economic History, Uppsala University

1986: Associate professor (Docent) in Economic History, Uppsala university

1980: PhD in Economic History, Uppsala university.

1975: Bachelor of Arts, Uppsala university

Academic Positions, Appointments and Networks
2006: Member of the Board of MISTRA, Honorary Doctor

2006: Honary doctor’s degree at Kyoto Sanyo University, Japan

2005-2009: Vice chancellor of Uppsala university

2005:- Member of the prize committee for the Swedish national bank’s economy prize in honour of Alfred Nobel

2004:- Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, Sweden

2004: Chairman of Swedish Collegium for Advanced studies in the Social Sciences (SCASSS)

2003, 2004, 2005: Invited professor at European University Insititute, Florence.

2000-: Member of the Scientific Committé of Observatoire social europeienne, Brussels .

2000-: Editor (with J Ottosson) of Economic and Industrial Democracy (Sage)

1997-: Chairman of the SALTSA programme on European Research concerning working life issues.

1996-2005: Research director and Scientific coordinator at National Institute for Working life, Stockhom.

1994, 1995, 1997, 2000: Invited directeur des études, Ècole des hautes études, Paris.

1993-2005, 2010-: Head of department, Economic History, Uppsala

1992- : Professor and chair in Economic History, Uppsala university.

1988-1994: Editor of "Swedish Historical Journal".

1985, 1989, 1994: Invited fellow of Max-Planck-Institut-fur- Geschichte, Göttingen


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Lars Magnusson

