Åsa Kassman Rudolphi

Akademiska meriter:
TeknD, Docent i teknisk fysik med inriktning mot materialvetenskap

Kort presentation

Prefekt för Institutionen för materialvetenskap, sedan januari 2020. Under 2019 prefekt för Inst. för teknikvetenskaper.

Docent i materialvetenskap. Forskar inom tribologi, inriktat mot friktions- och nötningsmekanismer utifrån ett materialvetenskapligt perspektiv. Projekt rörande polymera material och sinterstål för tribologiska tillämpningar, samt elektriska kontaktmaterial och fettsmorda kontakter. Huvudhandledare för två doktorander.


Denna text finns inte på svenska, därför visas den engelska versionen.

I hold a position as associate professor (universitetslektor) at the Departement of Materials Science and Engineering. I got a Master of Science in Engineering Physics (Civilingenjörsexamen, Teknisk fysik) 1988, a PhD in Materials Science (Teknologie doktorsexamen) 1996, and was appointed Docent in Engineering Science, with specialization in Materials Science, 2007. All at Uppsala University.

Since January 2020 I'm appointed Head of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (http://teknik.uu.se). During 2019 Head of Dept. of Engineering Sciences.

My field of research is tribology, with focus on friction and wear mechanisms, and based on materials science and engineering. The work includes e.g. design and interpretation of experimental studies, microscopy and analysis for friction and mechanism studies, and evaluation of new material solutions for different applications.

Until 2018 I have been teaching courses on different levels in materials engineering and in microscopy and materials analysis. I have also regularly been organizing and teaching courses for PhD students and a two-days course in SEM for industrial participants.

July 2014–June 2017 I was appointed Dean of education at the Faculty of Science and Technology. In this role I got a number of appointments, internal at Uppsala University, as well as external. During the period January 2012 to December 2016 I run a mobility project, mainly financed by Vinnova, where I worked 1 day per week at ABB Corporate Research in Västerås.


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Åsa Kassman Rudolphi

